2009年6月16日 星期二

Studio Classroom- June 16- Some Spell Delicious I-N-S-E-C-T

【Chat Room】

※idiom about insects:
  • [idiom] a fly on the wall
    If you wish can be a fly one the wall, that means you wish can be someone secretly to see or hear something happens.
  • [idiom] You wouldn't hurt a fly!很仁慈,善良的人(連一個蒼蠅都不會傷害)
    If someone wouldn't hurt a fly, it means he or she is a gentle person, who won't do anything to hurt or upset anyone.
  • [idiom] opens up a can of worms
    If someone opens up a can of worms, they creat a sitution that cause a lot of problems.
    a can of worms 一罐頭的蚯蚓 比喻 棘手的問題
    opens up a can of worms 所以一旦將罐頭打開,就會造成問題糾纏難解,一發不可收拾狀況
  • [idiom] have ants in your pants
    有螞蟻在褲子裡 比喻 一個人很急燥,坐立不安
  • [idiom] have butterflies in one's stomach
    有蝴蝶在肚子裡飛 比喻 一個人持續不斷的憂鬱緊張及恐懼的心情,即一個人感到七上八下

【Language Tips】

  1. deep-fry:整個放進去炸
    ‧fry: 油炸、炒、煎
    ‧被動語態使用:deep-fried potato chips
    ‧stir-fry:炒菜 ex: stir-fry beef
  2. upscale:高檔的,供應上流社會的,適合高消費群的
    (scale 等級)
  3. widespread:廣泛的,普遍的
    (wide 廣大的;spread 散播)
    ex: the widespread disease
  4. 新詞彙~
    entomophagy- the eating of insects
    entomophagist- th one who eat insects
